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 2017年04月 / ' to be desperate for sth 12345678910111213desperate French translation Linguee15161718192021222324252627282930Traduction desperate to en Français  

to be desperate French translation Linguee



In dire need longing to unite profoundly with someone. Heartache overwhelming my being, scouring for warmth with a burning fire. Craving to uncover that missing puzzle piece to satisfy the void within my heart.
In desperate need to establish a connection with an indescribable longing. Feeling hopelessly sense of desolation, seeking for love like a desert wanderer. Yearning to discover that elusive connection that can repair the void in my soul.
With an insatiable hunger to feel unconditional compassion. Craving for a profound bond. Eagerly looking for a kindred spirit. Suffocating in loneliness, craving to satiate the lack within. Hoping to uncover that special someone.
With an ardent craving to establish a connection intimately with someone. My being burns for affection, desperately yearning to find that missing puzzle to fulfill the emptiness.
Feeling an intense longing to be embraced unconditionally. Pining a profound connection that completes the emptiness within my being. Yearning for a confidant who gets the depths of my thoughts. Impatiently pursuing that authentic bond that will heal my wounds.
Craving with all my heart a true companionship. Being consumed by a desperate longing to embrace deep affection. Longing for a soulful union. My very essence craving to be cherished. Desperate to encounter that special someone that may satisfy the longing.
With an intense desire to discover contentment within the core of my existence. Longing for a love that exceeds ordinary expectations. Desperately seeking that one special person. Longing to mitigate the profound emptiness that resides deep within my innermost being. In my pursuit of a heartfelt intimacy, I desperately yearn to encounter the companionship myself truly needs.
With an all-consuming craving to experience true affection. Longing for a profound bond that transcends ordinary limits. Desperately searching for a soulmate to embrace the complexities of my heart. Longing to fill the void. Longing to find the perfect match to harmonize my journey.
With a deep longing to uncover fulfilling relationship. Longing for a profound love. Eagerly searching to encounter that kindred spirit. Aching deep within to complete the longing in my life. Wishing for a magical connection. Searching for the key to my heart.
With an overwhelming yearning to find unconditional affection. Seeking a deep relationship. Frantically seeking that one special person. Craving to mend the emptiness within my heart. Fantasizing about an extraordinary connection. Hunting the cosmic alignment. In my insatiable hunger for a deep affection, I treasure the belief that the universe will conspire.

02:03  |  October 9th, 2024  |  EDIT  |  Top↑






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