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 2017年04月 / Pour avoir poignardé le client d’un bar 12345678910111213Nom de famille SPAGNIOLO origine et signification Geneanet15161718192021222324252627282930translategooglees Google Traduttore 




Spagniolo is definitely a surname of Italian origin. It originates from the word "spagna," which means Spain in Italian. Spagniolo might refer to someone from Spain or somebody with Spanish heritage. There are several individuals with the last name Italian worldwide.
Spagniolo is often a surname of Italian language origin. It can refer to a person with Spanish language heritage, or someone from Espana. The last name Italian-speaking can be found in different parts of the world. You can find lots of people carrying the surname Italiano in nations such as Italia, Espana, Argentina, along with other Spanish nations. These folks could have an association to their ancestry and value their ancestral ancestry.
Spagniolo is
a last name that stemmed from Italy. It could additionally be related to people of Spanish-speaking heritage. The surname Spagniolo represents an impression of cultural identity and pride for those people bearing it. It's not necessarily unusual to find people with the surname Spagniolo spread across different regions of the globe. Whether or not those accept their Italian language roots or Spanish heritage, every single individual having the last name Italian-speaking contributes to the variety of their very own family background.
Italian-speaking is definitely a last name with a wide heritage background. Folks with the surname Italiano can be found in different areas of the globe, including Italy, Espana, and other Spanish nations. These individuals possess a distinctive connection to their Italian or Spanish background. No matter if those embrace their family heritage or seek to discover their cultural background, people with the surname Spagniolo possess a feeling of dignity and tradition. Their own diversity enriches the global community and contributes to the abundant tapestry of human society.

02:03  |  Nov 02, 2024  |  EDIT  |  Top↑






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